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Trenton Lagoon Expansion & West Cluster Lift Station

Completion Date : Summer 2021

Rachel was awarded the lagoon expansion and west cluster lift station replacement for the Trenton Indian Service Area in summer 2021. The scope was to install a new lift station, construct a new 4.2 acre primary pond, and excavate an existing pond 3 feet deeper to convert it to a secondary pond. Due to material availability, the project didn’t get started until after labor day. Once on site, the crew realized that the engineer had miscalculated the amount of sludge in the bottom of existing lagoon. Instead of the 2 inches they were expecting, several feet were found. The result was that an additional 20,000 CY of sludge needed to be removed and dried. Despite these challenges, the crew was able to work quickly and efficiently to finish the sludge removal, common excavation, bentonite liner, and rip rap before freeze up.


  • 55,000 CY of Common Excavation
  • 10.4 Acres of Bentonite Pond Liner Installed
  • 1600 Ft of Utility Pipe Installed
  • 2.8 Acres of Berms Lined with Rip Rap

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